Women, Weed and Periods.




A strong focus on women’s health has dramatically evolved over the years. New and improved companies such as Goop Labs by Gwyneth Paltrow, Verde, and even some of the Kardashians put their foot in the door long before cannabis was becoming more mainstream. Their approaches are emerging to promote and regulate women’s health and medical cannabis in the most interactive platform friendly way.

While some cannabis consumers use cannabis to get high, others are using it to treat the pain of menstrual cramps, endometriotic episodes, sleep, and more.

Cannabis, proven to affect the luteal phase of the period cycle, taking place right before your period starts, effects such as fatigue, irritability, and bloating may occur. Using cannabis before or during these PMS symptoms may reduce the severity of them.


Does Cannabis Affect Guys Differently?

In humans, as in animals, males and females are dissimilar in their genetic and hormonally driven behavior; The same goes for the effects of cannabis on males and females. The graph depicts a comparison chart, on the left, of how cannabis affects the male species. On the right, females, and in the middle is both.

When the cannabinoid THC gets consumed, the effects were positive for decreasing both exploratory behavior and emotionality/anxiety levels in female rodents, but when on male species, the behavioral characteristics stayed the same or were heightened.

What Products Should I use?

With mainstream popularity comes competition; While sometimes this is a good thing, the cannabis is not it. Cannabis, being loosely regulated in some parts of the US, makes it difficult for the FDA to approve all these companies, meaning some products are sold without ever being looked over, scary. Meaning the cannabis product you are purchasing might not even be real, considered medical-grade, or even worse, contain chemicals the body should not be using.

Why Do I use Cannabis?

There hasn't been a morning in the last eight years of my life where I haven't felt a wrenching pull to my abdomen. I've tried everything from birth control, over the counter medicine and have even ended up in the hospital a handful of times because of reactions due to my endometriosis pains every day.

I started using CBD to help regulate anxiety from life itself and found while using it for my head, to my surprise, it also worked for my stomach. Naturally, you and I produce CBD in small amounts from the moments we are born to the day we die. CBD is a cannabinoid that only binds to receptors that are inflamed. I like to explain it as "If you have pain in your right arm, CBD will bind only to those receptors located in the arm."

Here's a list of products CannabizzzJane uses and trusts:


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