Pure Sativa and Indica Cultivates are Close to Extinction
By Cannabizzzjane
So, you’ve walked into your local dispensary
looking for some green... Upon entry you’re bombarded with tons of strains, all with very similar names and the choice of three different kinds; Sativa, Indica, and Hybrids.
To help you pick, the cannabis educator tells you Sativa will give you a euphoric, energetic high.
While Indica is often described as “in-da-couch” pretty self-explanatory, hybrids being a mixture of the two.
In actuality none of these “terms” are correct. All but a few of the Original DNA cultivated strains have been mixed together making it close to impossible to find a pure Indica or Sativa
After generations of growers mixing and splicing the gene pools of the originally cultivated strains, these terms don’t really exist anymore — well shouldn’t.
The only pure strains nowadays are as follows:
• Old haze — Flying DutchMan (Santa Cruze California during the 60s)
• Land Race strains — (less diluted DNA)
• Durban Poison — (South African Durban Poison, A controversial history)
And the closest you can get for Pure Indica is:
• Afghan Var.
• Northern Lights
• the Hindu Kush
The Science Behind
Your Strain
Biologist and taxonomists agree; the level of variations (Sativa, Indica, Hybrid) created by field botanist ever since the 18th century are nonsense. They do not describe the effects of cannabis; terpene profiles will give you the most accurate effects as they are naturally occurring.
The names of these terms should be :
• C. Sativa
• Subsp. Sativa
• Sativa subsp. Indica
Those psychoactive, dense , terpene rich buds; are almost always a product of Sativa subsp. Indica — So next time you get one of those dank buds, thank the deep long list of genes gathered over the past 20 plus years.
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