How Pot Affects Your Mind and Body


By Cannabizzzjane

Can You Get “High” from Cannabis?

Cannabis, mary-jane, devils lettuce, dope and grass. All different names for the same drug. Produced by the cannabis plant, marijuana has many different parts to its plant that cause varied effects.

THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) found in the cannabis flower is the chemical us stoners use to get our "high" but-- many different chemicals with other effects are produced by the cannabis plant.

A cannabis flower with levels higher than 0.3 (not considered hemp) THC will have effects on the human brain, as all users will differ with levels of experience and THC levels experimented with.

The time that it takes for your brain to react to the THC relies on a few different attributes:

  • Vaping or smoking cannabis onset: 30 mins. lasts 1-3 hours.

  • Eating or drinking cannabis onset: varies on what the person has eaten, their metabolism, how much they've consumed in the past. can last upwards of 8 hours.

Your Thinking May Get Distorted

Marijuana can cloud your senses and judgment. The effects can differ depending on things like how potent your pot was, how you took it, and much marijuana you’ve used in the past. It might:

  • Heighten your senses (colors might seem brighter and sounds might seem louder)

  • Distort your sense of time

  • Hurt your motor skills and make driving more dangerous

  • Lower your inhibitions so you may have risky sex or take other chances

Is marijuana addictive?

Marijuana use can lead to the development of a substance use disorder, a medical illness in which the person is unable to stop using even though it's causing health and social problems in their life. Severe substance use disorders are also known as addiction. Research suggests that between 9 and 30 percent of those who use marijuana may develop some degree of marijuana use disorder. People who begin using marijuana before age 18 are four to seven times more likely than adults to develop a marijuana use disorder.

Many people who use marijuana long term report mild withdrawal symptoms that make quitting difficult. These include:

  • grouchiness

  • sleeplessness

  • decreased appetite

  • anxiety

  • cravings



"Smoking Weed Is Fun… Until It Isn’t

"You stop laughing. You get fat from all those late-night food binges. Your bank account suffers. You become lethargic, and your life becomes unmanageable. Plus, you can forget about passing a drug test to get that great job you’ve been thinking about applying for. For all of these reasons and many others, you may be considering joining the tens of thousands of people who will quit smoking weed this year. To that, we say, “Hallelujah!”

Whatever your reason may be for quitting marijuana – whether it’s because you have to take a drug test or because you just want to get your life back on track – we applaud you. It takes great strength and courage to put away the pot. The thing is, you’re probably wondering, is it okay to quit smoking weed cold turkey? Most people want an answer to this question once they make the decision to get off cannabis."

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